The Best Chocolate Cake-Ever
At my house chocolate cake is the cake ordered from my kitchen for birthday dinners for a lot of my family members. One of my kids likes my Oreo Cheesecake so I’ll do that recipe another day but for today’s blog I want to share this chocolate cake.
Mariner’s chocolate beet cake
I got the recipe many years ago while away at a swim meet here in Victoria, BC. A fellow parent and I were on duty chaperoning an away meet for our kids. This meant we supplied and cooked food for a lot of swimmers and coaches over a 4 day period. It was a big task to say the least. Anyway, my friend brought this cake along to feed the swimmers as a treat one night after dinner. I have never made another chocolate cake after I tried this one. So, today I am passing it on. I dare you to try and top this one!
This recipe actually calls for beets. I try to get away with thinking it makes it healthy but I think I’m kidding myself on that one. The beets do make it super moist though, and you certainly can’t tell it has beets in it. Here’s the recipe!
1 1/2c white sugar
2 eggs
1 c canola
14 oz. can beets with a LITTLE of the juice, pureed
1 t vanilla
6 T Cocoa
1 ¾ c all purpose flour
1 ½ t baking soda
1 ½ t salt
¾ t peppermint extract
Beet cake ingredients
Beat sugar and eggs in mixer
Add pureed beets and oil
Stir in cocoa, flour, soda, salt, peppermint and vanilla
Beat for 2 mins
Turn batter into 9 x 13 oiled pan or two round ones
Bake at 350F for approximately 35 mins (or until toothpick comes out clean)
Ice cake when cool
Beat the sugar and eggs in a mixer
Pureed beet
Almost ready to go into the oven
Chocolate Icing
½ c soft butter
1 c icing sugar
2/3 c Cocoa
Mix together
Add: 1 t vanilla
2 T milk
2 T hot coffee
Mix all ingredients until smooth.
Let me know if you like this.
I have been asked for this recipe so many times so I hope you enjoy it as much as my family does!!