New beginnings
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

New beginnings

I have noticed just in the last week that it is getting darker earlier and the sun is just a wee bit lazier in the mornings. The breeze coming in through the open windows has a coolness that wasn’t there a month ago. There is no doubt that Fall is around the corner. I have even noticed some leaves starting to abandon their branches and rustle in the streets. Where did the summer go?

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Canada Day Entertaining
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

Canada Day Entertaining

It is that time of year again where we like to host our guests in our backyards or on our decks, enjoying the longer summer evenings and warmer temperatures.  Whether you are hosting a large event or just having a few friends over for a last minute get together there are a few things to consider to make sure it goes off without a hitch.

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Curtains (1) - How to Choose the Best Curtains for your Home
Decor, Textiles Brooke Hatfield Decor, Textiles Brooke Hatfield

Curtains (1) - How to Choose the Best Curtains for your Home

Where I live here in Victoria and the rest of Canada, window treatments are a big topic. There are so many options out there from blinds that practically disappear to wooden plantation shutters. There are pros and cons for every installation. Where do you start? Setting aside personal style for the moment, function comes first. Today I’d like to focus on curtains. It may seem like a simple task to add curtains to your windows but there is actually quite a bit you need to consider.

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Design Tips for Apartment Living
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

Design Tips for Apartment Living

In cities like Victoria a large proportion of the young people live in apartments. Apartment living can be a challenge to personalize but with a few tips you can make the space your own with a small budget. Today it’s all about Design Tips for Apartment Living

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What’s wrong with this picture?
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

What’s wrong with this picture?

Welcome to another episode of What’s Wrong with This Picture. When we are look through magazines or online we see images that draw us in and some that don’t seem quite right. I think it is important to know that some images are styled just for the photo and may not necessarily work in real life. What works in real life and what doesn’t?

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What’s wrong with this picture?
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

What’s wrong with this picture?

Sometimes we just look at a room or a vignette and know something is not quite right but can’t quite put our finger on it. Today we are going to dissect a few images to help point out a few things that we see when we look at an image. Can you see what’s wrong with this picture?

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What to expect in a renovation: process, timing and investment
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

What to expect in a renovation: process, timing and investment

Renovating soon? If you have a Design Concept and an image binder or board and you have a very clear direction of where you want your renovation to go, ask yourself, so what’s next?? How do you now go about implementing this plan? Read more to find out how you can prepare for renovation.

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Renovating - How to get a perfect design concept for your Renovation
renovations, kitchens Brooke Hatfield renovations, kitchens Brooke Hatfield

Renovating - How to get a perfect design concept for your Renovation

What do I mean by design concept? A design concept is the framework behind all your design decisions. It is how you want your space to FEEL at the end or it can be a very specific aesthetic you are wanting to embody. For instance, you may like a calm, serene, airy space that reminds you of the west coast beach. A popular design style here in Victoria, Canada.

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Happy Holidays from BHD
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

Happy Holidays from BHD

That early snow kind of kick started my getting ready for the season. I usually try to hold off doing too much before Dec 1, but this year I got going a little early. As I plan ahead to celebrations, menus, gift giving, decorating, list making, recipe finding, and cooking that goes along with the season I wonder how others prepare for the inevitable business of this time of year.

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October - Giving Thanks
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

October - Giving Thanks

October is here and it brings up the topic of gratitude, giving thanks for all we have. Abundance is ours. We forget this from day to day and I’d like to take this opportunity to remind us all of all we have to be grateful for.

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How to showcase your Art Collections
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

How to showcase your Art Collections

Showcasing collections can be a challenge. Here are a few tips about collections. Using the whole collection in one place has far more graphic impact than putting a few pieces around the whole house.

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Kitchen Renovation Tips
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

Kitchen Renovation Tips

Are you on your way to your dream kitchen? I have had the pleasure to help many new and existing home owners here in Victoria, BC with their kitchen updates. Have a look at our 10 Renovation Tips on today’s blog to help prepare you for the journey ahead.

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Outdoor furniture-How to find comfortable, disirable outdoor furniture
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

Outdoor furniture-How to find comfortable, disirable outdoor furniture

Outdoor living has now taken on a new identity. We used to just pull our old plastic furniture out of the garage and hose it off. Now we have outdoor fireplaces and built in BBQs and fire pits. We now want comfortable, durable, good-looking furniture to complement our own style and to really use our outdoor space as an extension of our home.

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Outdoor ready!
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

Outdoor ready!

It’s the end of April and the sun is shining more regularly now. There is a definite warmth to the air and shadows are getting shorter and the days are longer. The garden has been hibernating for the winter but is now starting to burst forth with new leaves and Spring colour and it is also a great time to get your patio area ready.

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The Spring Clean - 10 ways to get your dirty clean
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

The Spring Clean - 10 ways to get your dirty clean

We are right smack dab in the middle of spring, and summer will be upon us before you know it. NOW is the time to do our deep cleaning so we can then sit back and enjoy the summer. What’s on your list to really get clean this year?

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Choosing Artwork
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

Choosing Artwork

Choosing artwork can be the bane of a home dwellers existence. What on earth do we put on those blank walls? I have put together a few tips to help anyone find their way to adorning their blank walls with artwork.

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Design Tips - Lighting 101
Brooke Hatfield Brooke Hatfield

Design Tips - Lighting 101

Lighting is a very important element in any home. I thought I would do a little design lesson about lighting. It is such an important element and can be overlooked.

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