An elevated experience

Enjoy the peace of mind, creativity, and problem-solving that comes from working with a true expert. From consulting to full-service design and project management, your home renovation or furnishing project will feel as blissfully rewarding as snuggling up beside the fireplace with your favourite wine.


The jumping off point for any design project is a consultation where we discuss what you’re looking to achieve from your space. From new paint and fresh fabric, to a full-scale renovation, together we’ll create a design game plan. We will spend up to two hours discussing the needs and wants for your space. If it is a one time consultation, we will do some problem solving on the spot.

The objective of this meeting is for you to have an idea of design direction that you can carry forward on your own or with BHD if you desire. If you want to move ahead with a renovation, my goal for this meeting is for you to understand how the design process works.


Beginning to end project support for cosmetic upgrades, floor plan changes, structural changes, additions, or all of the above.

With so many decisions to be made, I simplify the process by efficiently presenting realistic options that add value to your home and your day-to-day life. I listen and create a solid foundation to move forward with a design plan that captures your needs. My secret weapon? Soft elements. Textiles add texture and colour, taking your space to another level.

Once we have a well-considered design plan we move forward with an understanding of cost and how we will proceed. Then we move on to the fun part - bringing our inspiration and planning to life to create a space that meets your needs and expectations.


  • Inspired concepts to improve space

  • Space planning and storage solutions

  • Budget prep

  • Design Drawings

  • Purchasing

  • Trade Consulting and Coordination

  • Finishing details: custom millwork, unique lighting, tile, hardware and fixtures, window treatments, fabrics, colour palette, art and accessories


If you are wanting to do your project on your own but would like some expert input throughout, BHD can do a 10 hour design package to use at your discretion. The package must be used within a two month window.

We can get together to discuss finishes or any other questions you may have to ensure you are achieving a cohesive look throughout your project. This can give you the peace of mind of knowing you have a designer whenever you might feel the need as you carry on with the project on your own.

Interior Designer Victoria BC


At BHD I strive to make the design-build process an enjoyable experience for my clients. Experience has shown me that knowledge of standard procedures helps my clients feel more comfortable for the duration of the project.

Interior Designer Victoria BC bedroom


My personal style is warm, collected, layered and I hope to bring these characteristics to each of my projects. The best reward is seeing my clients feel at home in a new space that really reflects who they are.

The first step

A consultation is where the scope of your project is identified and the jumping off point for any project.  This is where we meet and discuss your goals for your home. You show me any inspiration pics you might have so I get a good idea of your design goals. 

Interior Designer Victoria BC